Dec 9, 2022Liked by Isaac Simpson

This is also true of Hollywood. Today, a movie won't get a green light unless the lead is black, queer, or trans. Straight white people have no chance.

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Isaac Simpson

I have complained about this to my wife for years and she thought I was over reacting. Then she heard a report about it on her favorite radio station. She said, "Honey, you were right all along!"

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Dec 9, 2022ยทedited Dec 9, 2022

Or it's psychological priming.

Blacks have the lowest jab uptake of any demographic in the US. Tuskegee Airmen study alerted them to the dangers of experimental injections. Jabs that are already proven to lower fertility and result in miscarriages and stillborns.

And black and brown immigrants flooding across our borders aren't required to get the jabs while most Americans have been.

Combined those factors lend credibility to suggestions that America of the near future will be much darker-skinned. With current populations sufficiently primed psychologically they won't notice as the images they see on TV become representative of the image they see in their own communities. Whites and light-skin normalized as a minority.

Hypothesis: The ads are a coordinated Bernays-inspired psychological manipulation to help usher in, to lubricate the friction of a Great Replacement in the US population that is underway. Does the theory have merit?

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I will say though that in this new age of black worship by anything media and commercial related, my spending habits have drastically reduced and I save lots of money. I refuse to financially support black worship.

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Black representation in advertising is

much higher than 50%. Itโ€™s probably closer to 85-90%. I noticed this phenomenon had really gone into overdrive, especially over the past two years. A lot of it is driven by agencies staffed with young, woke creatives whoโ€™re constantly virtue signaling, but a lot of this also comes from on high. BlackRock owns all these entertainment companies top to bottom, and they do have a mandate.

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White people being trained to hate themselves, their history, their culture and their color.

Want proof?

Repeat 'White Lives Matter' in any company. RACISSSSSSS!

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Blacks are largely over-portrayed in most commercials, except those of Alarm or Security companies. In those, criminals and/or burglars are almost always clean-cut white men. And let's not forget sexually transmitted disease commercials; almost always, the characters are white women.

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I would think that such advertising affects what gets stolen more than it affects what gets bought.

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Isaac Simpson

No mention of the mandated quotas imposed on hollyweird?

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It's called White Genocide.

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To take the topic further, why in black over-represented advertisements are mixed-race couples or romantic partners INVARIABLY depicted as black male/white woman couples? From the viewpoint of Madison Ave and the corporations that buy the ads, the BM/WF is unquestionably the beaux ideal of depicted marriages. I challenge anyone to recall any TV commercial where an Asian woman is the partner of a desired blue eyed white male or a black woman is attractively paired with an Asian male. I would further ask why are black women silent on the endless commercial drumbeat of the greater desirability of white women over women of color?

Further, what possible commercial benefit can there be in portraying BM/WF as the acme of admirable or desired partnering? And why is there NEVER a discussion of this obvious social propaganda?

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Watching a friend's TV here in Canada, I noticed just how many mixed marriages are in ads and every one is overly represented by minorities except for ads for medically-assisted suicide. In those ads, all the people portrayed sitting around a large circle are white!! Hahahaha!!! Incidentally, you can now get assisted suicide in Canada if you're poor. No more going to jail for a botched suicide. Oh, no! Just ring up your Hippocratic doctor. Next, they'll be paying you which won't take you out of poverty but your family might appreciate it..

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I think it serves to brainwash half the population and demoralize the other.

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Tracking, print media as well. For years I subconsciously seem to count sexes, race, etc. Still underrepresented as there is very little nod to homosexual, or one of the many new titles for homo sapiens. Wont be long until we attain full enlightened status! Good article, as you have reported something which might be persona non grata.

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I made a disturbing observation last year visiting Jacksonville, FL while grocery shopping at a supermarket in a black community. After securing a cart, the first accessible items were packaged cookies, cakes along with soft drinks and assortments of other carbohydrate intense foods. The dedicated space for fresh produce was as dismal as its display. However the line for the pharmacy was longer than the check out counters and the shape of those bodies reflected 2 for 1 bags of chips and 2 liter bottles of COKE. Big AG and Pharma have a major stake in this population.

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Any company that does not go along with the Woke Program, dictated by leftist billionaire financiers and bankers, are threatened and attacked from many different directions, all financed and directed by billionaires like Soros, Bloomberg, and many others who wish to remain in the shadows. The brainwashing sessions for employees and woke advertising is motivated mainly by fear, not altruism.

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