I had to watch this interview in two parts, due to time constraints. Great stream, guys. You rock, Nina. I love your sense of humour. ❤🙏😂

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Thank you for calling attention to "the pain women have to go through in order to maintain patriarchal beauty standards." And thank you for pointing out that certain movies directed by feminists reduce the antagonist men to "caricatures that reflect the worst of the patriarchy."

And thank you for noting that poetry written by humans often reflects "the cracks in our soul." The whole 80+ minutes was worth the listen for this observation: "Nina was screwed by the George Orwell crowd." I laughed, and then I went to Wikipedia and filled the search bar with <Nina Power> and <"What Do Men Want?">. And then I realized that the people having the most trouble with the man/woman relationship are on the Right, the Far Right and the dissident Right. Starting with the social upheaval of the Sixties, the man/woman tensions the Right grapples with today were mitigated by the hippies who became the New Agers who became political Progressives. Sixty years ago, we jettisoned 1950s conservatism, the corrupt and abusive organized church and traditional sex roles and imperatives. Among Progressives, we have embraced feminization... and there is no "masculinity crisis."

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