something in the american psyche balks at segregation. no. that’s only been true since the 60s. for most of our history segregation was obvious.

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"There should be ethnic enclaves. There should be a millet system. There should be – whites should be able to live with whites because at the very minimum what happens is at the bottom of white society and what happens – In our society what's really, really wrong is that we've taken people who don't want to be focused or maybe are unable to be focused on making the most amount of money to be able to buy your way into civilized society, and we've left them to the wolves because now buying your way into civilized society doesn't just mean buying your way into civilized society, it means buying your way out of the global favela, which is a hundred times worse than, like, you could live in poor small towns in America where no one locks their front door X number of years ago. And that's not the case anymore because we don't have at the very minimum, you know, like a place where you can be white without being rich."

Salient point.

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Yeah in particular the part about "buying your way into civilized" society is very true and implicates civil rights litigation for past 6 decades.

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So good, you're on the right path with this line of inquiry and openness about race/ethnicity. What do people really mean by "white culture?" We finally pushing back against anti-whiteness, but not all wHiTe CuLtUrE is good, desirable, or right for everyone. Not to mention that there is a huge difference between midwestern nordo/germanics, Appalachian scots/irish, northeast yankees, cali whole foodsies, and so many more. thanks guys

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anyone who loves white culture that much needs to spend a year living in Copenhagen or Stockholm, and if at the end of that year they're not absolutely clamoring to move back to the US, then we'll talk.

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are you implying that the homogeneity of those Denmark and Sweden will mean that the average american will be it boring or stifling?

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It’s not the homogeneity as much as it’s the minor leagues.

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you can get started before you’ve won. you can fund institutions. you can find critics and writers to develop the new mode. after decades of progressive penis banana jeff koons garbage, this won’t be hard. call me.

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to isaac’s point “where is it?” it’s gonna take time. right wingers wouldn’t even go into art the past forty years. what was the point. to not get funded to be excommunicated to be stamped as not a woke lunatic and our tribed?

you develop a set of aesthetics and put $10b out there and let institutions and artists pitch it.

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you develop artistic values and goal aesthetics first and fund artists and institutions that adhere to it.

we want to find the next aaron coplands and whitmans.

we want art that glorifies and elevates america and our valued people history. plenty of left wing art is garbage and plenty of this new right art will be garbage too.

we want stories based on strength tradition heritage our amazing legacy.

you find art and artists and institutions that adhere to this.

this isn’t hard.

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This is just all very idealistic. It’s only seeing one half of the picture, and it’s too politically tinged. Doing it this way will only result in crappy right wing replicas of the crappy left wing propaganda we already hate.

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it will result in that absolutely, but not JUST THAT, there will be diamonds in the rough. Great art is made when bad art is being made.

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These diamonds in the rough—are they in the room with you now?

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this is the gaslighting equivalent of "are you ok" implying mental illness. Do you think I am mentally ill isaac? (i've been called worse by better ;)

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hahahaha no no i just mean...where are the diamonds??

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Great episode.

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