Good article! Concern about the highly questionable medical overuses/abuses of radiation, like routine dental X-rays and radiation for treating most cancers, seems not to have dulled its use, even on cancers like glioblastoma for which it has, at best, de minimis value. Federal and local governments incite terror in homeowners about radon while blithely giving a regulatory pass to radiation in medicine.

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This article was not informed with knowledge of Hormesis, a very significant and real phenomenon observed with slightly above average background radiation. Hormesis is remarkably effective over very long periods of time at maintaining higher levels of health than ordinary people have. It's just that the science was quickly corrupted by lunatics who believed that if a microroentgen was good, a couple hundred rads must be great. This is common to all branches of medicine - the same mistake is made again and again. Aspirin is a miracle drug. Take a couple grams a day and you'll be dead in a week. The idea that radiation kills cancer is so crazy it constitutes outright crank science. Sure it kills cancer. It kills everything else too. Radon scares turned out to be more junk science when it was discovered that without exception, people who grew up in houses with slightly higher levels of background radiation were astoundingly healthy compared to everyone else. The real root of the evil is found in media that can publish without fear of contradiction, despite all the talk of freedom of the press. Peer review is a popular mythology of the past century, it is extremely rare. The media publish this quackery without fear and it can kill millions. Funny how people can concede this in the past and not recognize it in the present with vaccine voodoo.

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